Wednesday, 8 June 2011

I.S.D. versus S.T.D. (on NO TOBACCO DAY, MAY 31st)

It’s been long since I have been having this debate with Dr Manmohan Singh. Not our prime minister but my senior of last 8 years. And in all these years two of our habits haven’t much changed. Mine I.S.D. and his S.T.D. In those pre-cell phone days, to make a call you usually had to access a S.T.D. booth. He too used to sneak in between the working hours for S.T.D., though it was never to call anywhere but to smoke a fag.He would tell his patients or colleagues that he has to rush for an urgent STD call. Those who knew smiled sheepishly and who didn’t, commiserated.

While he was popular for STD, I was famous for I.S.D. calls lasting 5-10 minutes. It was those few minutes when I would disappear to offer Namaaz and if anyone asked about my whereabouts my senior would simply tell that she has gone for an ISD call. Our habits, my advisement over non-smoking and his justifications for doing so have continued for last 8 years.

Smokers, without exception, have self-satisfying rationale for non-acquittal and to hold on. Some blame tension, strain, guilt leading to self destruction while others peer-pressure, frustration of not being able to do something you wanted or sense of rebellion. But I find my option of praying, in a similar situation, better, natural and far more logical.

Work, relationships and money all contributes to daily distress. But is there anyone who solved an inherent life problem or a real catastrophe by a glowing cigarette? In fact it is the most gutless act of escaping instead of solving a difficult situation and one of the most cowardly modes of suicide.

 I reason that this is the result of being dissatisfied and unhappy about oneself and circumstances and not being able to realise God and gift of life. Prayer is a communion with God. It has been said that, "Seven days without prayer, makes one weak". Perhaps it is this weakness which makes one succumb to addictions. Prayer allays fear and anxiety, which in turn disrupts the vicious circle of stress, smoking and addiction.

 Regular praying makes you better and stronger human being not only physically but also spiritually. Prayer alone repairs the soul, while smoking only ruins and devastates health. Prayer gives you strength to resist temptation to all kinds of addictions. It connects you to the right kind of people and avoids peer-pressure which eventually brings peace in homes and jobs. Besides you can pray as much, long and whenever you want without boring God.

Isn’t it better to pray than to give up or surrender to a fag? So ISD or STD which one you think is better? Will you still continue to smoke?

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